Our team of certified public accountants with extensive experience in audit practice and overseas operations will provide "high-quality audit services" at "reasonable prices" "efficiently."
In recent years, regulations and oversight of accounting audit work by audit corporations and audit offices have become very strict. As a result, audit fees have been rising year by year to deal with the increased audit work, and many clients who are undergoing accounting audits are dissatisfied with the situation.
In addition, there are quite a few cases where accounting practices that were previously accepted by auditing corporations and audit firms have suddenly received a negative opinion when the person responsible for the audit (the person who signs the audit report) is changed, or where overly conservative or pessimistic disclosures are requested without understanding the practices and customs of overseas corporations. This can cause confusion for audited clients.
Our certified public accountants, who have extensive experience in auditing listed companies and multinational corporations at large and small auditing firms, thoroughly understand the external and internal business environment of our clients and conduct efficient, economical audits that will contribute to improving the management of our clients.
Please contact us if you have any of the following questions.
Our professionals with extensive experience in corporate management and consulting for listed companies and companies preparing to go public will support the management and companies aiming for a public listing in carrying out stock IPO preparations in an appropriate and efficient manner that will contribute to post-IPO business management.
Our professionals, who have provided advises on the assessment of internal controls and establishment of internal controls for many listed companies through auditing and other services, will support the establishment of efficient and effective internal controls.
We provide comprehensive support for the development and going concern of companies through M&A with our knowledge and advanced research skills accumulated through audit practice, accounting tax practice, overseas operations, and corporate management.
Many companies have difficulty managing their overseas local subsidiaries due to differences in language,
culture, and legal systems, as well as a shortage of human resources both at headquarters and in the local area.
In addition, the cost of auditing overseas subsidiaries has skyrocketed, with some cases even exceeding the
auditing costs of the parent company. It is therefore important to select an appropriate auditing
firm that matches the size of your overseas subsidiaries.
We use our network of certified public accountants with extensive experience in overseas operations and partners
to provide efficient and appropriate accounting audits and management support for our clients' overseas
subsidiaries in Japan and overseas.
Our certified public accountants, who have extensive experience in overseas business and accounting services for foreign companies in Japan, provide efficient accounting services at reasonable prices to foreign companies in Japan.