Audits that build

trust together with clients

and support their development

Crea Audit Corporation

For medium-sized companies, emerging and growing companies,

Our team of certified public accountants with extensive experience in auditing,

accounting and taxation, and overseas operations will provide you with

"high quality audit services" at "reasonable prices" "efficiently."


Our Strengths

Audit quality
based on experience
in audit practice

Our firm is composed mainly, of professionals with more than 10 years of auditing experience, which enables us to provide high quality audit services efficiently.

Extensive experience
and knowledge
outside of auditing

Our professionals have extensive experience and knowledge in areas other than auditing, such as accounting and tax practice, overseas operations, and support for small and medium-sized enterprises, enabling us to meet the various needs of our clients.

Deep knowledge
of corporate governance

Many of our professionals are current or former outside directors or audit and supervisory board member of listed companies and have extensive knowledge of corporate governance.